
Sardinia is not just a location for a beach and watersports holiday. It is also an all year round paradise for sports enthusiasts, you can explore and enjoy this beautiful island cycling, trekking, walking, caving, climbing in the mountains, and horse riding. Close by there are exceptional facilities for golf at the Pevero Golf Club, considered to be one of the most beautiful courses in the world, there is even a down hill ski slope on the island!

Sardinians are very proud of their cooking, and enjoy nothing better than ‘relaxing and putting the world to right’ over a well cooked meal. Traditional Sardinian food comprises surprisingly not of seafood, but food from the land…. suckling pig, lamb and wild boar. The famous pecorino cheese, made from ewe’s milk, homemade pasta’s, hand baked breads, and pastries made from honey and almonds. Seafood is a relatively new addition to the Sardinian diet despite being an island, and still is mainly eaten only on the coast. The warm sunny climate produces very ripe grapes, which make for strong deeply coloured wines. You must try the famous digestive of Grappa, and the local specialty Mirto, made from wild myrtle berries and leaves. As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

If you want to enjoy a long and healthy old age and wish to live to be 100. American scientists from the National Institute on Ageing and the National Geographic Society suggest one of the places to live would be in a Sardinian mountain village. The people benefit from a healthy diet, exercise, a positive attitude and drink on average one glass of wine per day. Sardinian red wine too has been found to be extremely good for you!

Sardinia offers something for everybody…