Festivals and History

Sardinia is not just a location for a beach holiday!

You must not forget that Sardinia is not all about the coast, and beach holidays. Just go inland, the interior remains largely unspoilt and is covered with extensive cork oak forests, rough rocky terrain and unusual granite outcrops. The mountains are great for exploring, walking on old shepherd’s trails and enjoying the amazing landscapes, where you will find wild mufflon, and wild boar. Here you can easily experience Sardinian traditions, hospitality, local festivals, and handicrafts that are amongst the best preserved in Europe. All through the year many varied and colourful local festivals are celebrated all over the island, and are well worth a visit. Notably and local to us are Sa Sartiglia, in Oristano at the end of February, Easter Holy Week in Olbia and Oliena, San Simplico, in Olbia in the middle of May, Cavalcata Sarda, in Sassari the 2nd to last Sunday in May, the colouful Palio (Donkey Race) and Festival of Folklaw both in San Panteleo in August, and Festival di Mirto, in Telti in the middle of August. For jazz enthusiasts there is the unmissable International Jazz Festival in Berchidda in August.  We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day. 

For historians the island is steeped in history because of its many invaders over the centuries. There are 7,000 Nuraghi (Bronze Age) sites dotted all over the island. Take a drive up and trek to the hidden village of Tiscali in the centre of the Island and witness the irony of a foregone community that lived in Bronze Age times BUT lends its name to one of the most progressive Internet & Telecoms Corporation in the world. Locally to us are two of the most historic sites on the island the Holy Well of Sa Testa, circ 8 – 6BC, and the Nuraghi Cabu Abba circa 1200BC.