Pittulongu and Olbia

Pittulongu is a community situated just 10 minutes north along the coast from Olbia. Characterised by its 1.5km long sandy beach Lido di Pittulongu, or referred to by the locals as Mama Beach, taking the name of one of our favourite restaurants. We have all the amenities that you will need for a successful holiday, great beaches, beautiful crystal clear sea, local food shops, and a good selection of bars and restaurants along the beach. The nearest restaurants are located just a 10 minute walk away along the local beach, all with fantastic views across the bay. The location is ideal as a base for exploring the beautiful coast, indented with hundreds of coves and inlets. The unspoilt interior of the island, the mountains and the many archaeological remains, whilst the glamour of the Costa Smeralda and the artist village of San Panteleo are only a 20 minute drive away. Available locally are facilities for cycling, trekking, horseback riding, tennis, beach volley ball, sub-aqua, windsurfing, kite sailing and boat hire.

We have the added advantage of having Olbia close by. The original name Olbios, meaning happy city. Originally inhabited as a Nuragic settlement, because of its situation at the top of a deep inlet, sheltered from winds, and easy to defend from attack from the sea. Because of its location in the centre of the Mediterranean the city quickly became the principle port of Italy. Today, it is still the principle entry point to Sardinia by both sea and air, but has established itself as a centre of history and culture. Along with a good selection of large and small shops, a wide range of restaurants, and bars, it also has a renowned archaeological museum, Roman and Nuraghi remains. Unlike many other holiday areas along the coast this is a year round community, so if you do choose to holiday ‘out of season’ you do not have to worry that amenities are closed. Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online

The centre piece of our properties spectacular views are towards the smallest Kingdom in the world…Isola Tavolara. This majestic island is actually a limestone mountain rising from the sea to 1640ft, and is home to Sardinian moufflon sheep. Although the sea around the island is protected by a protected marine reserve, Tavolara – Capo Cavalio, you can still visit the island in July and August, via a regular boat service from either Olbia or Porto Pollo. On the island there are a couple of restaurants, and a small harbour.

Enjoy the changing island from the terraces at breakfast, lunch & dinner. Watch how the island changes colour during the day and into the evening. Notice how the clouds collect on its peak, like a ‘hat’.